As industries undergo ever-faster digital transformations, the need for talented and skilled professionals grows with it. 妇女不能掉队. By supporting future and current women leaders, women become critical in every part of the global tech economy.
The gender imbalance in the professions we serve results from a complex set of structural and cultural issues that are incompatible with the values of the tech industry: innovation, 创造力和思想的多样性. As an industry-leading organization that serves digital trust professionals around the world, ISACA must be focused on putting an end to gender inequality.
SheLeadsTech empowers women to enhance their professional skills and advocate for their career advancement. ISACA is committed to investing in this important work and the people it supports.
我们将与员工进行互动, allies and global professionals to increase diverse representation within our industry.
Our training and skills development programs will offer opportunities to elevate more female leaders in the digital space.
Through strategic partnerships and volunteer support, we empower our network and support our chapters in confronting the unique challenges in their countries and regions.
通过ISACA在全球的225个分会, SheLeadsTech engages a local network of IT/IS professionals to confront unique challenges in their countries and regions through 指导, networking and professional development.
浏览 events hosted by ISACA and ISACA chapters around the world.
加入 people of all genders in our global online community to discuss strategies that provide women the support and action they need to grow their careers and lead within the technology industry.
Find the tools and resources to propel your career as an IT/IS professional forward.
What people are saying about SheLeadsTech
SheLeadsTech is a critical program that empowers women by providing resources, 指导, 和机会. The program diversifies the industry by incorporating varied perspectives and also encourages more women to venture into tech careers. The success stories of the participants serve as an inspiration for others to follow, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and innovation.
ISACA Melbourne Chapter Board Member and Diversity Director
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With SheLeadsTech, we truly embrace DEI principles with open minds and open arms. 在新加坡, society has benefited from the SheLeadsTech365买球网站下载 in balancing many needs such as tech GRC skills & 能力, employment productivity with more women entering/returning to work and governance quality enhancements.
总裁| SheLeadsTech Champion
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加入 a world-leading global IS/IT association. Become an industry leader by leveraging credentials, certifications and learning opportunities from ISACA.